LACSEP Opportunities

About Joining LACSEP

Are you an undergrad or grad student at EESC-USP?

Are you at another university in Brazil or outside Brazil?

About the Admission Process and Funding Support Schemes

Funding Support for Graduate Studies

During and after admission (as a TA or RA, or self-funded):

LACSEP’s EESC-USP Admission Requirements

List of Requirements

Test Scores

Where the list of available available positions or scope of work you are looking for?

Now that you have read the information above, please find the available positions described here.

Just to check that you read, and after applying to LACSEP’s EESC-USP, you can contact me by sending me email to and writing in the subject line: “Interest in Joining LACSEP @ EESC-USP Graduate Program”.

If you don’t write this in the heading, I will just send you a standard reply directing you to this website.